Hon. Justice Simeon Chibuzor Amadi, DSSRS.

Hon. Justice Simeon Chibuzor Amadi, DSSRS was born in Elibrada-Emohua, Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State of Nigeria. He had his primary education at U.P.E Primary School, Oduoha-Ogbakiri and St. Philip’s Primary, later State School, Elibrada and obtained his First School Leaving Certificate in 1970. He attended County Grammar School, Ikwerre/Etche, in Rivers State and obtained his West African School Certificate (WASC) in 1975.
His Lordship attended Federal School of Arts and Science, Sokoto, for his Higher School Certificate (HSC) where he obtained the General Certificate of Education (GCE ‘A’ Level) in 1977. Educated at the University of Lagos between 1978 and 1981, he obtained a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL.B Hons) in 1981. He attended the Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island, Lagos, and was called to the Nigerian Bar on 17th of July, 1982. He underwent the National Youth Service Corps Programme between 1982 and 1983 in Yola, Gongola State now Adamawa State.

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